Bleeding Bruin Blue Athlete of the Week: April 24-30


James Helmuth is the Athlete of the Week for April 24-30, 2011. File photo by Kevin Miller/BCS.
GOSHEN — The Bleeding Bruin Blue Athlete of the Week Committee has announced that, after a trio of doubles in the preceding seven days which would, by itself, place the batter in a tie for 75th all-time on Bethany's career doubles list, senior James Helmuth is the Athlete of the Week for April 24-30, 2011. Helmuth's three doubles in this week's one baseball game comprised the entirety of the Bruins' attack on the hit column this week. In addition, they resulted in three runs batted in as the Bruins closed a 6-0 Jimtown lead to 8-6 in the fourth inning before the Jimmies tallied 13 runs in the bottom of the frame to win 21-6. This week  is the first in which Helmuth was named Athlete of the Week in the award's three-year run.

Previous award winners can be found on our Athlete of the Week page.

Eligibility: All Bruins in a position to win any athletic letter (varsity, JV or freshman) during the current season, or middle school counterparts of high schoolers fitting those criteria, are eligible. The only exceptions are recent winners: therefore, Helmuth, Marla zumFelde, Sharisse  Yoder and Kyle Miller are ineligible for next week's award.

Next Week: Nominations for next week's award are due Sunday, May 8 at 5:30 p.m.; athletes can be nominated until the decision is made. To nominate someone, send an e-mail to and put "AOW nomination: [name of athlete ('athlete' is singular, not plural)]" in the subject line. If you highlight a player's name and click on the "nominate" link at the top of the post, it should generate an e-mail message nominating that player. The body of the message can be used for whatever you want. The three simple things that will disqualify a message are:
  1. A subject line that reads "AOW nomination: [name of athlete ('athlete' is singular, not plural)]" without actually naming an athlete.
  2. Anyone nominating multiple people will have only the last nomination counted.
  3. We reserve the right to ignore e-mails with unnecessarily vulgar sections.

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