Menno Lands Memories: A 20th Anniversary Retrospective


On the evening of November 17, 1989, Bethany's boys basketball team hosted Westview in its traditional season-opening game. Though the Bruins had hosted the Warriors before, on seven different occasions in the previous 13 years, they had been at such places as Concord Junior High (three times), Syracuse Junior High, Goshen College, and even the home gym of their opponent in Topeka twice. But on this night, something was different. For the first time since February 10, 1967, Bethany hosted a boys basketball game; for the first time in the history of humankind, Bethany hosted a boys basketball game in its brand-new gym east of the school building.

Indiana isn't captivated by swimming between November and March, and Gene Hackman didn't coach a 1951 or 1954 wrestling team in a tiny gym in Knightstown. As the home of the Bruin basketball teams, the Menno Lands reaches its 20th anniversary as the center of the Bethany athletic universe this fall. To commemorate this anniversary, Bleeding Bruin Blue's Menno Lands Memories contest will attempt to determine, in order, the 20 most memorable moments in the gymnasium's history. Anyone may nominate events until September 15, 2009, when all nominated events will be ranked into the top 20 using a method yet to be determined. You may nominate as many or as few events as you like; prizes may be given for especially helpful contributions or in an attempt to ramp up support. The countdown will begin in October, with the Menno Lands' most memorable moment revealed on November 17.

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