Bleeding Bruin Blue Athlete of the Week: September 21-27

Our varsity boys tennis team went 3-0 in dual matches this week and was undefeated in the Fort Wayne Wayne Redundant Invitational. This means that each position played 5 matches. We had a total of five people go 5-0, and exactly one of them happened to get nominated. For this reason, the Athlete of the Week honor for the last full week of September goes to Daniel Buschert.

Eligibility: As four weeks have elapsed since her AOW win on August 30, junior Kelly Snyder becomes eligible again next week. Literally all Bruins in a position to win any high school athletic letter (varsity, JV or freshman) during the current season, and their middle school counterparts, are eligible. The only exceptions are winners from the last four weeks: Buschert, senior Hannah Grieser, senior Jordan Weaver, and eighth grader Matt Greenlee.

Next Week: Next week's nominations will be due Sunday, October 5, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. This is subject to change, and I will announce as soon as I know if it will. As I said several weeks ago, the first person to correctly name how I determined the times will get mentioned in a future post. To nominate someone, send an e-mail to and put "AOW nomination: [name of athlete ('athlete' is singular, not plural]" in the subject line. (You can even include the quotes if you want.) The body of the message can be used for whatever you want. The three simple things that will disqualify a message are:
  1. A subject line that reads "AOW nomination: [name of athlete ('athlete' is singular, not plural]" without actually naming an athlete.
  2. Anyone nominating multiple people will have only the last nomination counted.
  3. SeƱor Loco reserves the right to ignore e-mails with unnecessarily vulgar sections.

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