Bleeding Bruin Blue Athletes of the Week, March 21-27, March 28-April 3


The Bleeding Bruin Blue Athletes of the Week for March 21-April 3 are as follows:
  • March 21-27: Leanne Hochstetler
  • March 28-April 3: Ben Bontreger
Eligibility: Literally all Bruins in a position to win any athletic letter (varsity, JV or freshman) during the current season, or middle school counterparts thereof are eligible. The only exceptions are recent winners: therefore, Hochstetler, Bontreger, and the non-existent winner from this week will be ineligible for the April 11-17 award.

Next Week: The next AOW will be named sometime after Sunday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time; athletes can be nominated until the decision is made. To nominate someone, send an e-mail to and put "AOW nomination: [name of athlete ('athlete' is singular, not plural)]" in the subject line. The body of the message can be used for whatever you want. The three simple things that will disqualify a message are:
  1. A subject line that reads "AOW nomination: [name of athlete ('athlete' is singular, not plural)]" without actually naming an athlete.
  2. Anyone nominating multiple people will have only the last nomination counted.
  3. SeƱor Loco reserves the right to ignore e-mails with unnecessarily vulgar sections.

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